Here at AJS Fisheries we supply a range of coarse fish species for res-stocking angling waters. All of the fish we supply are done so in line with the current legal requirements.
We are CEFAS registered, hold an Environment Agency Tier1 suppliers permit and hold an Article 10 Animal Transporter Authorisation.
Before ordering please make sure you have your CEFAS registration documents and Environment Agency Stocking permits in place. If you are not sure what permissions you require contact us and we can talk you through it.
We can not deliver without the appropriate paper work.
We have been supplying top quality carp to the angling market for over twenty years and have built up a wide range of recognisable AJS strains.
We can now offer syndicates, clubs and private waters a great variety of fish. Our stock availability in size, weight, shape and scale pattern is unmatched nationwide.
Why not have a pick and mix to ensure your fishery and anglers have the most diverse stocks to fish for.

These stunning English fish were born by crossing fish from the historic Orchid Lakes with the iconic Horseshoe strain. The result is an unbeatable classic English carp.
Over the years we have refined the strain to produce a variety of scale patterns, from epic golden commons through to plain mirrors.
The stars of the show though are the apple slice scaled mirrors and linears, iconically English, iconically AJS.
These aren’t the fastest growing fish but their longevity and beauty can not be faulted. The commons from this strain of fish have reach 40 and 50lb in waters across the country.
We are always looking for new blood lines to improve our carp & we have a really exciting project currently under way.
Our aims is to produce big beautiful English carp, so we have taken some of our scaly brood-stock fish & crossed them with some Croatian strain descendants. These are all fish spawned and raised in the UK and not foreign fish.
We want to combine the scales, growth and body shape of both strains and produce some monsters with unmistakeable beauty.
The Croatians are available now and are living up to expectations.

We have been working with John and Rob at Fishers Pond Fisheries to offer our customers some superb carp from their farm near Winchester.
The Fishers Pond strain of carp are without doubt responsible for more Pb’s in this country than any other strain of fish, consistently growing over 40lb with many growing to in excess of 50lb and some evening reaching 60lb in weight. This strain has great growth rates, beautiful scaling and a proven track record for growth.